max space slim
Boarding House
Ventilation, daylight and a comfortable room to guide the facade.
We often are finding architects designing interior rooms, furniture and other products. It is rare to see it the opposite way and finding product- or interior designers to design houses.
In this project we have turned this norm upside down and have designed the whole architecture and outside area along with the interior design and furniture.
Bandung, West Java; One of the most populated cities in Indonesia built in the middle in between two volcanos. This was our first project offered in this city. We were asked to do the interior design for a boarding house on a ground of less than 17m x 6m.
Seeing the first proposal of the architect we directly got confronted with a common practice in Indonesia to actual not find the way via architect into a construction project but from a contractors side. As so often the contractors are skipping the architect and are proposing house layouts and design by their own team.
The result for this project was a wall to wall boarding house with inner courtyard a huge staircase, almost no daylight, no proper ventilation and a total of 8 rooms 'a 8.5 square meters on 3 floors.
After our critics on these points and the suggestion to work with a proper architect the owner agreed but insisted that we should do the architecture instead because of our previously shared vision how it could be better.
Our result is a building with 11 rooms 'a 12.3 square meters, well ventilated and full of daylight and even small balconies and garden.
The boarding rooms have 12.3 square meters each which the same layout except the slightly adjusted corner rooms.
In the first floor we can find the maids room and as well the customized apartment rooms for the owner of the house. Having a queen size bed in one room and a 120cm wide bed in the other room being connected directly via the bathroom.
All rooms are following Feng Shui. Since houses in Indonesia are still build with red bricks we decided to have the hallway wall of each room being exposed to create a highlight while keeping the tight budget without adding costs for a wall covering.
Furniture: 120cm wide bed with storage underneath, a sideboard with TV, desk, cupboard and extra hanging storage above bed and desk in pastel green mixed with local Mindi wood. The desk chair we picked from the brand Santai Furniture.
Every room got its own micro bathroom with toilet, shower and small sink in the corner. A window to the outside brings in daylight and ventilation for a dry bathroom within one hour after taking a shower.
The bathroom of the custom apartment has a bigger with glass seperated shower to keep the path free and has a custom sink next to the toilet.
The facade with balconies and garden side.
The architecture is following the need and function of the interior and the comfort of the people living in it. The french balcony gives a big amount of daylight and a good cross ventilation between balcony door and entrance door on the opposite.
Often door and window in Indonesian rooms are places right next to each other not giving any ventilation to rooms. Bathrooms on the outside walls for natural light and ventilation to prevent molding, tall windows with ventilation slots in the hallway and staircase as well as an open hallway in the first floor to keep a good air flow in the tropical climate.
Wooden window and door frames and color accents on the french balcony frames are giving the building its minimal character without being to bold.
first floor
Second floor
© SchoeneHeileWelt Designstudio
Project: Boarding House / Kosan / Bandung City Tubagus Ismail Area.
Client: Private